Contains 4 genera, providing 10 strains, totalling 305 Million for a healthy, balanced intestinal ecology. Pre and Probiotics and enzymes improve immunity, general health and assists with; IBS, candida control, flora balance, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, flatulence, stomach cramps & indigestion. Documented clinical effectiveness for reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Helpful for weight management.
Probiotic Mix containing: 305 Million CFU
Lactobacillus:acidophilus ,casei, plantarum, rhamnosus, salivarius.
Bifidobacterium: bifidum, longum, breve.
Streptococcus Thermophilus
Bacillus Coagulans MTCC 5856 Lactospore®
Digestive enzyme blend containing:
Amylase 324 DU, Cellulase 15 CU, Lactase 54 ALU, Lipase 2.7 FIP, Neutral Protease 81 HUT, Bromelain 2 GDU, Papain 13500 PU.
SUGGESTED USE: Dissolve in water or juice, add to smoothies or sprinkle over cereals. Do not ingest dry powder.
ADULTS: One heaped teaspoon before breakfast & if required one before dinner. CHILDREN OVER 12: One serving before breakfast. Or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Always consult your health care professional before taking this or any other product particularly in the case of children, pregnancy, breast-feeding, suffering from a serious health condition or on any medication or treatment.
This product has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.